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Dazong Lake Scenic Region

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Location: Yancheng
Address: Dazongfu Township, Yandu County, Yancheng, Jiangsu 224034, China
Fee: 60 Yuan/ticket
Route: Take a taxi or shuttle bus to the lake

Phone: 86-515-868 8888

Located in the western suburb of Yandu County (under Yancheng City’s jurisdiction), the Dazong Lake (Dazonghu Lake, Lake Dazong) Scenic Region occupies 30 square kilometers and is the deepest lake in the North of Jiangsu.

The government has invested millions in improving the lake’s infrastructures, promoting its environment protection, and increasing its attraction to tourists. As a result, the lake ecosystem is now well protected from pollution and offers a good atmosphere to tourists.

Many entertainment areas have since then been installed for tourists. One of the best known spotlights is the reed labyrinth and it has been listed as the largest reed maze by the Guinness World Records. The tourist region provides an eco-tourist model to the public and has been listed as one of the national 4-AAAA tourist attractions.

A well protected lake eco-system, a 4-AAAA tourist attraction. Bring your family and rent a boat for a relaxing weekend. Recommended.

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